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Saturday, March 05, 2005
Just a quiz..
Habis 'pulang main' dari rumahnya Lely, bawa oleh2 ini. Iseng2, lucu juga.
Thanks ya Lel.. :) Ayo siapa mau coba?
posted by on
10:29 PM
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hihi..lucu juga nong...masih diakui lah ...female..:D
eh salam dari suami. katanya pa kabar haris?? 12:30 AM
Thanks Nong, gue ikutan juga neh :D Untung bukan brain dead hasilnya :D
Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% MaleYour brain is a healthy mix of male and female.
You are both sensitive and savvy.
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed.
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve. 7:28 AM
Lahhh kalo 50% - 50% gimana doooong ?
Eh salam dari Batman. Katanya pa kabar Spiderman ?? :P 7:28 AM
Ari>> Iya, aku female beneran kok. Salam balik dari Haris yaa..
Pennylane>> Riana, gue tau elo tuh menyimpan 'kelaki2an' yang kentel banget,..hahaha!
Cabe Keriting>> Salam balik, Spiderman lagi temenan ama SpongeBob! Utk cabekeriting ada salam dari Kol gepeng, hahaha! 12:41 PM
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