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Thursday, July 20, 2006
Mellow Yellow
Kok kangen ya.. hiks..
REMEMBER by Harry Nilsson Long ago, far away Life was clear, close your eyes Remember is a place from long ago Rememberfilled with everything you know Remember when you're sad and feelin' down Remember turn around Remember life is just a memory Remember close your eyes and you can see Remember think of all that life can be Remember- Dream, love is only in a dream, remember - Remember life is never as it seems. Dream Long ago, far away Life was clear, close your eyes posted by on
10:41 PM
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Duh, kok kasian sih kangen? Sini saya nyanyikan sebuah lagu... 2:28 AM
Semua kata rinduuuumuuuu semaaakinn membuatkuuuuu tak berdayaaaaaa menahan rasaaa ingin jumpaaaa aw aaaa
uwoooo uwooooo wooo... 4:39 AM
kangenz sama siapakah gerangan? sayakah? *pe de abies* met wiken yahhh 1:42 PM
kenapa? jadi sedih gitu bacanya...
kangen ma siapa sih teh?
mudah2an cepet ketemu sama yg dikangenin yah? 9:39 PM
Kenapah Bun... lagi kena PMS yah ;) met wikenan... 10:11 PM
duh sampe segitunya yang lagi kangen hehehehe 1:38 AM
makasihhhhh banget udah kangenin dirikuh....dirikuh juga kangen kok Bund... :"> 12:17 PM
bun... kalo kangen ama saya, tinggal telp saya ajah... hehehehhe... 1:00 AM
Nong, sometimes ago you wrote this song, you were missing somebody. And now, you know, we're missing you!! It hurts soooo much..........:-( 12:14 AM
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